
歯根膜由来幹細胞はin vivoにおいて長期の生存、自己複製能、複数種の組織を再生する能力を示す

Periodontal-Ligament-Derived Stem Cells Exhibit the Capacity for Long-Term Survival, Self-Renewal,and Regeneration of Multiple Tissue Types in Vivo Stem Cells Dev. 2014 May 1;23(9):1001-11. Menicanin et al., University of Adelaide, Adelaid…


Contribution of the PDL to Osteotomy Repair and Implant Osseointegration Journal of Dental Research 2017, Vol. 96(8) 909–916 Pei et al, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China 本研究の目的は抜歯後にソケット内に残存した歯根膜(PDL)のその後を明ら…


Cigarette smoking hinders human periodontal ligament-derived stem cell proliferation, migration and differentiation potentials Scientific Reports, 2015, 5 : 7828 Ng et al., The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China 喫煙は破壊的…


Human Periodontal Ligament-Derived Stem Cells Promote Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and AxonRegeneration After Optic Nerve Injury Stem Cells, 2018;36:844–855 Cen et al., Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The…